by Wanda Kenton Smith From
Kristen Frohnhoefer, president of Sea Tow Services International, Inc. and the Sea Tow Foundation board of directors, was raised in the family business, but came aboard full time in 2003 after a teaching career. She has worked in virtually all aspects of the business and oversees internal operations.
Besides selection as the 2020 Darlene Briggs Marine Woman of the Year, she was also tapped by Long Island Business News to be on their Top 50 Women in Business list, as well as being honored by Boating Industry’s Women Making Waves and selected as a Boating Industry Mover and Shaker finalist. She was recently elected vice president of Marine Marketers of America.
BI: What have you enjoyed most about your career in the marine industry?
KF: I’ve really enjoyed the friendships I’ve made and relationships I’ve developed. More recently, video meetings with people working from home have allowed us all to meet each other’s family and pets, to get a peek into their lives outside of work. This change in how we connect with our colleagues has allowed us to strengthen relationships which is one of the positive... [read more]